Fishing for a Dex based cleric
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Author:  That Guy [ Wed, May 17 2017, 20:35 PM ]
Post subject:  Fishing for a Dex based cleric

I know... STR based with DM/DS might be better.

Here's the thing, I'm looking to have this be a hin cleric of Brandobaris. I can't in my mind make a sneaky, roguey, agile cleric of the Scamp without being dex based. I've tried it... never felt right.


The idea I had was 26 cleric/1 ranger (epic)/3 rogue, focussed on dagger and shield. I know, 3 APR, but will have haste.

Some basics that I really want to have:
At least 24 cleric levels
Uncanny dodge

Anyone have any ideas? Might not be an optimal build, but... hey, it's thematic.

Thanks in advance.

Author:  That Guy [ Wed, May 17 2017, 20:38 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Fishing for a Dex based cleric

Another thought and open to advice on this too:

Brandobarian hin bard, again, a dexer. If anyone has suggestions, I'm listening.


Author:  The1Kobra [ Thu, May 18 2017, 11:27 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Fishing for a Dex based cleric

If you want a dex cleric, the strongest ones go monk and dual kamas (which doesn't really fit for a cleric of brandobaris), or you could try something like: 13/17 Rogue/Cleric and get epic dodge. Though balancing the need for DEX and WIS in that build will be a pain. It's doable, though.

Author:  robbi320 [ Thu, May 18 2017, 11:52 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Fishing for a Dex based cleric

This is less of a suggestion, and more of a question added to yours: Couldn't one just copy the Str cleric build and go dex instead of str? Like, 20 dex and 20 wis, and basically just lose like 3/4 points of damage for some more dex?

Author:  That Guy [ Thu, May 18 2017, 15:02 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Fishing for a Dex based cleric

Brandobaris is NN, which means LN is a possible cleric alignment. I suppose it's a reach, but... they could find his dogma to be their personal code of ethics:

Seek excitement and danger wherever your feet take you, for risk-taking leads to life's greatest rewards.

Lust for thrill, not for treasure, for greed obscures the true prize of the experience.

At the end of the day, the halfling with the wildest tale is the most honored in the eyes of the Irrepressible Scamp.

Sure, it's a stretch to be LN, but... as a hin? Finding order in the world by seeking out danger and excitement, thereby creating a balance between the truly good and the truly evil. Not wishing to be a thief, but wishing to live life to its fullest. It's practically a halfling rule to play pranks on "tallers" according to most of the books. I'd see this as another odd thing like Elven Paladins, they are quite different than human Paladins.

Maybe I'm wrong? Anyone have any thoughts? I'm liking the idea of a cleric/monk of Brandobaris, one who uses fists though, as I just don't like kamas.

Author:  Commie [ Thu, May 18 2017, 15:18 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Fishing for a Dex based cleric

if you're dedicated to that concept or code that makes you LN.

A lawful neutral character acts as law, tradition, or a personal code directs her.


Seek excitement and danger wherever your feet take you, for risk-taking leads to life's greatest rewards.

Lust for thrill, not for treasure, for greed obscures the true prize of the experience.

At the end of the day, the halfling with the wildest tale is the most honored in the eyes of the Irrepressible Scamp.

You like to keep moving, don't care about loot too much, and like to take risks when it comes to doing dangerous dungeons. You extol these virtues when you do them.

Author:  That Guy [ Thu, May 18 2017, 16:11 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Fishing for a Dex based cleric

That's pretty much the thinking I had.

Author:  Commie [ Thu, May 18 2017, 16:16 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Fishing for a Dex based cleric

like, law vs chaos really, in my mind, concerning clerical people, is just how 'strict' you are to the deities ideal or ideals. You can latch onto one point hard ("loot doesn't matter stop arguing over the ioun you two") and just ride that all the way and be LN.

I see CN (when lawful is allowed) as playing more fast and loose within the same framework.

but really, chaos vs law doesn't make much sense to me, much less when 'chaotic' things still practice and follow and enforce actual laws.

Author:  Commie [ Thu, May 18 2017, 16:18 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Fishing for a Dex based cleric

hell look at Tempus. Demands honorable battle via a set of defined rules but doesn't accept lawful clerics.


Author:  That Guy [ Thu, May 18 2017, 16:21 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Fishing for a Dex based cleric

Commie wrote:
hell look at Tempus. Demands honorable battle via a set of defined rules but doesn't accept lawful clerics.


True. Well, TBH, the alignment system can be interpreted in so many ways, and... I've always considered "good" just as "bad" as "evil" since... they are out to kill other sentient beings constantly. From that standpoint, good is evil, evil is neutral, and neutral is good. But... that's another whole discussion!

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