Pinky needs a new toy
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Author:  Pinkhaml86 [ Wed, Nov 15 2017, 5:29 AM ]
Post subject:  Pinky needs a new toy

Hey guys, I'm messing around with the idea of a new build. I've always liked monks, but I've never had the knowledge to build one that compares to some.of the epic monks I've seen across this server.

So I'm asking for some help.

Concept: I built a high assassin level monk offline using a Chilean base, got 60 a.c. with 43 ab dual mamas and epic dodge, I know the a.c. is on par, but is there a way to tweek it to get a higher ab?
Build was 8/4/18 monk fighter ass.

I'd even be down for a bare knuckle monk aswell, perhaps a sd variant.

Any tips help!


Author:  Suhjet [ Wed, Nov 15 2017, 7:24 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Pinky needs a new toy

Chilean base? Dual mamas? I like where you're going with this ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

You won't really get higher AB in that build though. Try getting some on-hit blind kamas or knockdown your opponent for an advantage.
If doing SD monk, take no more than 6 SD. It's a waste beyond that.

Author:  Yimmi [ Wed, Nov 15 2017, 11:01 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Pinky needs a new toy

If its Chilean I approve :D!

Author:  robbi320 [ Wed, Nov 15 2017, 12:36 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Pinky needs a new toy

Like I said the the rogue/monk topic, standard is 6/6/18, dual kamas. Fist monks tend to underperform, and need a lot more Monk levels. 6/6/18 gets you HiPS, which effectively adds quite a bit of damage, due to re-hiding and Death Attacking again, and increases your chances of paralyzing the oppenent. (the is of they don't have freedom, but sill)

That saod,I think your spreay would gove you an extra attack. It usually isn't worth it, though, IMO. And your AB problem, Monks tend to have lots of attacks at lower AB. What that means is that your chances of rolling high are higher. Which is why Flurry is almost always worth using, for example.

Author:  Raua [ Wed, Nov 15 2017, 14:37 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Pinky needs a new toy

I've played around with something similar, the only way I can think of getting it higher AB would be dropping your monk levels down to 1,, and going 10 Fighter/1Monk/19 Assassin. At which point you're hardly a monk :P

Though, honestly, going the staple 21/6/3 Monk/SD/Assassin is probaby the best way to go. Heavy Monk +HiPS is always great as it allows you to get your sneaks off pretty easily.
Happy to draw up either for you, by the way! :)

Author:  robbi320 [ Wed, Nov 15 2017, 14:46 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Pinky needs a new toy

Ia 2d6 sneak damage even something relevant? I mean, going so high into Monk kind of means your damage is pretty low. As a fist Monk, at least your base damage is at 1d20, but your attacks aren't as high, and you're losing out on 10 mythal slots. And as a Kama Monk, it's een less damage.

Yes, it's a bit easier to gear, since you're not really going to need/want intelligence, but it seems to have so low damage. That said, I've never seen many Monk builds, so my knowledge is limited.

Author:  Raua [ Wed, Nov 15 2017, 15:04 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Pinky needs a new toy

Well, he asked for higher AB, not damage! :P
the issue with going 6/6/18 is the abysmal AB that you'll get from that, even if you full on cheesed the Dex to geared 40

Math for that comes up to an AB (dual kamas) to 17 BAB, i.e. 38 AB Vs a BAB of 20 or 21 +1 to that if you spend an epic feat on epic prowess.

(Yes the difference may seem small, but anything under 40 AB at level 30 is basically useless, even if you roll High.)

In my experience, 43 AB is a passable minimum, if a bit low. At least you can cast True Strike as a level 3 assassin.

Author:  robbi320 [ Wed, Nov 15 2017, 15:21 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Pinky needs a new toy

Raua wrote:
At least you can cast True Strike as a level 3 assassin.

Not really. It's not something you want to rely on, because your concentration is pretty low, and you're flatfooted while casting. So... I'd probably never use that, and rather rely on potions...

For the rest... I'm not sure. Your damage is pretty low, and your AB still isn't really good, to be honest.

But then again, I feel like that is the case with every single Monk build, so... Slightly biased.

Author:  Raua [ Wed, Nov 15 2017, 15:41 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Pinky needs a new toy

robbi320 wrote:
Raua wrote:
At least you can cast True Strike as a level 3 assassin.

Not really. It's not something you want to rely on, because your concentration is pretty low, and you're flatfooted while casting. So... I'd probably never use that, and rather rely on potions...

I mostly said it as a joke :P

And that is the general issue with monks, low ab and low damage. It provides a lot of defensive abilities (Monk AC bonus, kiting speed, SR, Improved Evasion, universal primary saving throws) and less in the way of offensive abilities (3/4 AB progression, Cleave, flurry, speed for the swooping in, and Scaling fist damage)

There's kind of a reason why there are only a handfull of "good" offensive monk builds. >.> Relying on Sneak for damage leaves much to be desired on those that are immune to them anyways, leaving you basically smacking them with a wet noodle.

All I was saying Robbi is what's the point of all that damage if you never can hit hit? :P

The cheesiest 'monk' build I can think of is 1 Monk/13 Rogue/16 Blackguard with dual Kamas. Hardhittibg meh-ish AB. That's about the best you can get.

Soooo to the OP, the 43ish AB that you get is about as good as a monk will give you, in addition the the most amount of damage you'll get.

Author:  Pinkhaml86 [ Wed, Nov 15 2017, 16:13 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Pinky needs a new toy

Ok so 6/6/18 is the ideal format? I suppose I don't really get anything from 8 lvls of monk. And at 6 fighter I get a bonus feat. Am i correct?

Author:  lilmarcat [ Thu, Nov 16 2017, 0:16 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Pinky needs a new toy

Yep. 4/4/12 preepic for BAB and saves.

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