Monk Shadowdancer - considering a redo-rebuild
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Author:  Zafriah [ Sun, Mar 11 2018, 9:51 AM ]
Post subject:  Monk Shadowdancer - considering a redo-rebuild

Bit of a brain dump, so sorry if it's a bit confusing...

I've been away a (long) while and I dusted off my favourite RP characters on Amia. I never really planned her build very much other than wanted a monk dex build. It turned out that she then decided to go down the path of a shadowdancer, but had already trained in the ways of the SunSoul monks. Righto. Shadowdancer who wears gear that glows. Woops.

Nada has been training at the Shadowdancer Academy for a while, and I'd like her to keep training (for the RP!) there. It would be tricky if I decide to rebuild her. But I love her character, so I'd do it if I really need to.

Then I've noticed that the monk stunning fist is now a cool-down, rather than uses per day (Nada has uses per day still).

Is it possible to re-train the monk side of things to get her aligned towards her SD side? Or should I just jump in and re-build her with a bit more planning?

I'd still like her to be an unarmed monk (20)/SD(10) so not really planning to add any other classes.

So, actual questions:
1 - can I fix the monk stunning fist?
2 - can I re-align the monk side of things to be more consistent with a Shadowdancer?
3 - should I just start again and be done with it?

Any help and tips welcome! Thanks in advance.


Author:  thetangerinetornado [ Sun, Mar 11 2018, 10:47 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Monk Shadowdancer - considering a redo-rebuild

Stunning Fist is still uses per day. I have a monk who specialized in Stunning Fist (don't do it!) and it's always been uses per day.

Monk/SD is a perfectly viable combo and the 20/10 mix nets you Epic Dodge and the Monk 20 goodies. You're not going to do a ton of damage but this is excellent at "not dying". Stealthy monks who use the shadows to remain undetected are a staple. You don't see monks calling attention to themselves. Good luck!

Author:  Zafriah [ Sun, Mar 11 2018, 10:57 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Monk Shadowdancer - considering a redo-rebuild

Oh, ok. Good. I thought I read somewhere that it was changed to be a cool down, rather than uses per day. No need to fix that then!

And yes. I rather like her 'not dying '...she's mostly good at that. I love the monk speed.

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