Bari'Var's Raiders: Recruitment
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Author:  Strom [ Thu, Feb 09 2017, 12:42 PM ]
Post subject:  Bari'Var's Raiders: Recruitment

Bari'Var's Raiders

The dwarf sat in the Rusty Hoe and Trap Inn, his form hunched forwards as his remaining eye drifted over the pages of a map spread across the table. The heat from the fire nearby easing the ache in his knuckles; it'd been too long since he payed a visit to some 'old friends'.

He looked over the surface of the material, the map detailing Amia, Ruathym and it's surrounds. On the reverse was the Island of Brogendenstein. On both were small markings with runes denoting the location, inhabitants and threat. He trailed a finger over one of the oldest markings, lips curling into a scarred, crooked grin, "Time fer a visit, you bastards.." He growlled, reaching for the crossbow leaning against the table leg. He glanced up, about to bark an order habitually to his fellows. . . But, there weren't any Raiders. Not anymore, they were official troops now, sworn to defend the Hold.
"... Should probably get some new blood, mind." He muttered to himself as he collected his pack.

About the Raiders

Originally named the 'Raiders of Runedar', the Raiders were a small group of dwarven mercinaries formed by Grumdur Bari'Var, Whurak Valtensson and various allies. They eventually became an official part of the Barak Runedar Hearthguard, after joining the Hold in a variety of combat roles but mostly serving as scouts, which at the time were rare amongst the dwarf player base.
The idea of 'dex dwarves' was laughed at by some, but they proved fundamentally useful and an asset to the Hold. Firstly by scouting out and mapping a large number of areas In-Game and providing regular reconnaissance on the enemies of Barak Runedar. During and after the 'Red Snow' event which Silent2001 ran when he was DMing the server, the Raiders served in every armed conflict then being joined by Nana Anvilmar and were officially recognised as the hold's scouts.

Afterwards, the Raiders also served as a unit which non-dwarfs could join and serve as outriders and rangers for Barak Runedar to prove themselves worthy for citizenship if they had military skills.

They have often stood aside from many traditionalist ideas of 'dwarfness', amid rumours of shadow dancing and so called 'dishonourable practices'.

What Now?

Grumdur has been absent from Amia for some time and though he left Barak Runedar on good terms, has found himself wanting to return to the region in recent months. Upon his arrival, he's found a desire to rekindle some of his older habits and start raiding the old dwarf foes once more, looking for intel and re-mapping their lairs.

As he's yet to return to Barak Runedar, wishing to come back with some useful information for his old friends, Grumdur is looking to assemble a regular group of adventurers, and keep himself separate from the Hold politics this time around, instead working on a 'you do me a favour, I'll do you a favour' basis.

What you'll get out of this

I've come to the conclusion I need to be involved in something to properly enjoy Amia and I used to enjoy doing these immensely. With the population decline on the server, my play time in the EU evenings has become noticeably quiet and I can't always make the dwarf stuff on Sundays.

I want to regularly do 'rp hunts', which means levelling isn't the focus point. Rather roleplaying the dungeon, pausing to make sketches, lay traps and seek out information is more important than grinding.
If we find any 'relics' from factions we'll be returning them to their respective factions, to garner favours. . . The rest we'll split and sell usual adventuring style!

You don't need to be a dwarf to join a raid, but if there are any interested dwarfs Grum will obviously apply racial bias and bring you along!

I'm looking to do these 2 evenings a week, most likely Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday being the optimal candidates. My timezone is GMT/UTC + 0 (London), if you like killing orcs, goblins and giants. Or, like harassing dwarfs... I invite you to join me. :)

Author:  NAUX [ Thu, Feb 09 2017, 13:32 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Bari'Var's Raiders: Recruitment

I have been longing for this sort of gameplay since I recently came back to Amia and have devoted myself again to dwarfdom once more (Friday night dwarf raids being the catalyst). I'm GMT+1 and available most nights, and everything you have on the plate, I want a taste of. Find a way to get my attention IC, this is right up Bolrid's alley, although I doubt you'll ever have a covert operation ever again with him in your party.

Author:  Strom [ Thu, Feb 09 2017, 13:45 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Bari'Var's Raiders: Recruitment

Haha, splendid. I'll certainly be advertising/recruiting IC, so no worries there. See you online!

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