Peraga and what to do now
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Author:  freaxxshow1338 [ Sat, Aug 19 2017, 10:42 AM ]
Post subject:  Peraga and what to do now

So, as the thread title suggests, I really don't know how to advance with my hin Sorceress now that I've reached 30.

IC I have some stuff going on, social stuff but stuff none the less. My problem is, I have -some- Idea what to do, as the thing Peraga hungers the most for is raw power and therefore she's looking into her own Bloodline, trying to find out what exactly her heritage is...

The problem is: I have no idea how to do this, or utilize this in any way OOCly. Like, if her Bloodline comes from an Erinyes, sure I could do ICly alot of work on Rituals to broaden her power over her own Demonic Blood and request Black Angel wings. But... What would I do to represent an actual increase, or even just a -change- in her power? Also, does such a ritual actually mean she is doomed for good? Alignment-wise? She is Chaotic Neutral, at the moment heavily tending towards good... (again, complete opposite of what I had in mind for her...)

Don't get me wrong, I'm happy with how Peraga is right now, trust me I had COMPLETELY different plans with her as opposed to beeing treated nice by Bendir and now having a pseudo family, and I'd pursue that but... I still get the feeling, ICly, Peraga would still hunger for power, as that is the only thing she ever did.

Author:  Tarnus [ Sat, Aug 19 2017, 11:08 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Peraga and what to do now

Indeed, making deals with devils would be somewhat unwise for a good leaning neutral PC!

As for looking into your PCs bloodline, various methods exist, there are some cleric spells iirc that can be used there, Peraga could develop a ritual or talk to PCs who have done something along these lines or she could come up with some magical ritual herself. I don't know at the top of my head if anything exists in the source material, but we are rather flexible with these things, so provided it makes some sense we are rather flexible in what we accept there. Magic is to a degree rather flexible in the realms. I don't mind helping out there if you want.

That being said, with some general pointers, there are a few ways you could approach this:

- Knowledge is power. Knowing what sort of being to call into service at any given time can be highly important. This could be represented with summon reskins, given Amia's variety in this aspect there are many ways you can go there depending on what you are interested in. This is just one example mind, there are many others.

- Develop new abilities. Amia has spellwidgets, meaning you can get almost any spell or spell like ability (which includes monster abilities ) as a spell for your PC. This obviously has to be in some reason

- Emulating abilities on gear. This one is a bit nebulous and depending on whether Peraga is an unsubraced halfling, may be a little tricky. But we do allow certain traits she might gain to be emulated on gear.

Author:  freaxxshow1338 [ Sat, Aug 19 2017, 21:04 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Peraga and what to do now

Peraga is completely un-subraced, Lightfoot halfling. What do you mean with "Emulating Traits is nebulous" in that context?

Also, the whole "Demonic / Devil - Bloodline" Thing was and is pretty much what I was going for with that character, as I originally planned to Play her with this "slowl descend into evil" because of her own fear Kind of character. Now, I admit I failed with that since other characters just went like: "You're my new friend now!" and... Peraga ICly started to really care for those People. Sure, I could still go with the casual "The path into damnation is plastered with good intentions"-Stuff, but ... that'd feel Kind of forced, to be honest. On the other Hand.... I gave Peraga Wis 8 because she is.... naive and Young, People didn't care for her so she returned it in Kind, now People care for her so, again, she Returns it in Kind so that whole "forced" Situation could stem from the fact that she'd be naive enough to think "I can make this work!". AGAIN on the other Hand, she's not stupid (Int 14) so .. After all the books she's been reading recently she should be able to figure out a ... you know, "statistic" of People who dealt with devils and lived a happy and fulfilled life afterwards.

Sorry for the Long text and the capitals, this Notebook thinks I'm writing german and keeps correcting me....

Author:  Tarnus [ Sun, Aug 20 2017, 9:11 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Peraga and what to do now

For example, if she were a tiefling of some bloodline that received fire resistance (or something), with some rituals that empowered her bloodline and thereby gaining some fiendish traits, those could easily enough be emulated by putting them on gear.

If the 'only' connection is her sorcerous blood, things become slightly more involved, though imo not impossible. That being said, given that I DM for Bendir I can keep these sort of things in mind for current and future plots.

Author:  freaxxshow1338 [ Sun, Aug 20 2017, 10:16 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Peraga and what to do now

I'll keep thinking on this and thanks Tarnus for your help! Really, really appreciate it!

But if you were to use any of that in current/future plots, please tell me in advance, I have a bad schedule for the next year or so due to working only early shift and I'm from germany :/ I can make things happen, I just need to know in advance :)

Author:  Tarnus [ Sun, Aug 20 2017, 10:19 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Peraga and what to do now

Well, I am from germany as well, so that shouldn't pose too much of an issue ;) Will do that!

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