Opportunities for Change
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Author:  Dark Immolation [ Fri, Sep 13 2019, 21:04 PM ]
Post subject:  Opportunities for Change

I've been thinking about this more and more with the planned move to EE and the project I've mentioned before.

:idea: Quite simply, what are some setting changes, via storyline or event, that you would find interesting and engaging? :idea:

Amia is unique in that the setting is really just a patchwork, variably homebrewed, version of the Forgotten Realms in 3rd Edition. Any alterations to our cosmology have come with time, events, and DM intervention. But as we seek to gain new players and retain the ones we have, I think a candid discussion about things we'd like to see in the game world is helpful. So often the work of making events and changing the setting in NWN feels like... guesswork, I suppose? Many of us have anecdotal examples efforts and storylines that were started that sort of fell off because players simply weren't interested. Which leaves the DMs frustrated, in feeling that their ideas aren't landing home, and players too, waiting for something to spark their interest and "get it right." Neither party gets to choose the setting(totally) a la pen-and-paper, so having some sort of dialogue about how to manage the one we have seems like the next best thing.

With our eventual move and planes shifting, things blowing up, settlements being altered, changed, and destroyed, what are some changes that you as a player would like to see? It can be small scale or large, specific, or general. There is of course the disclaimer that no on here is obligated to make said changes, but I think an honest discussion and open discussion will lead to expectations being met better for everyone.

Some examples(general, not my own necessarily):

I'd really like to see some sort of resolution to the Blood War. Not necessarily how it resolved in 4th Edition, but in a way that might make for some interesting cosmic alliances. Solving it offers up more roleplay opportunities than keeping it going forever, IMO.

The Risen Sun Fanatics were such a cool thing to come in the wake of the Bastion. But they're kinda left to be enemies with no real interactions. I'd love to see the rise of whatever demi-power that would come out of this small but dedicated group, sort of like how Salandra came to exist.

The clockwork aspect of Wharftown really fell off in recent years. Any way we could get more tinker-y oriented stuff there? I know most Kohlingers left for Brog, but it should be plausible that some of the Seven Star folk could have moved there.

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