To Waaagh or Not to Waaagh(Orcs)
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Author:  Dark Immolation [ Thu, May 07 2020, 22:58 PM ]
Post subject:  To Waaagh or Not to Waaagh(Orcs)

With the new ruling on playable orcs, I'd like to share an interesting video or two with anyone looking to make a greenskin.

Keeping Orcs Fresh

Web DM consistently has awesome and insightful stuff on roleplay ideas and worldbuilding and these two videos are no exception. Some of the mechanical stuff they discuss is 5E, but the ideas about lore translate just fine.

Specifically for the 3E FR setting, I'd encourage prospective players to check out the Races of Faerun entries on Mountain and Gray orcs. There's also the kingdom of Obould Many-Arrows(though I think in Amian reckoning it's called Dark Arrows?) to read up on if you're looking for more... civilized orcs, inasmuch as they can be. Additionally, if any DM has any lore they could share about our Amia-specific tribes and subtypes(Bloodmoon, Brogedenstein, Wolfpelt) that might be helpful too.


Author:  Dark Immolation [ Tue, May 12 2020, 20:48 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: To Waaagh or Not to Waaagh(Orcs)

For your consideration.

OrcUpon Faerûn there are two major races of Orc: Mountain and Gray.

Mountain Orcs are what most envision when met with the word "orc." Porcine noses, red eyes, dark hair often braided with feather and bone, they gather in great numbers in the northern lands such as the Spine of the World and Silver Marches. These massive hordes are well known there, as it is only ever a generation between one orcish invasion from the next.

Mountain Orcs are an extremely warlike and destructive people by and large, the traditions of infighting and conquest serving as a bedrock of their culture. To no surprise, strength and leadership are the two qualities most highly prized in their society; one without the other surely makes for a short and bloody tenure as chieftain. Their tribes range from hundreds to thousands of members depending on their longevity and success and are usually based around a central cave or fortress. Most orcish settlements are headed by a chieftain, though the further it expands, the more likely it is for the appointment of generals and sub-commanders. Consequently, they tend to self-regulate as leaders fight among themselves and inevitably break off to form their own tribes. Recently, the land of Dark-Arrows has risen to prominence under the guidance of King Obould. A rarity among his kin, he has somehow maintained his clan well past the metric of tribe into what could be called a true orcish kingdom.

These orcs favor simple clothing ranging from furs to pelts(or less, should the climate allow), with their favorite colors being reds and yellows. They harbor a particular hostility for humans, elves, and dwarves due to their long history of war and conflict with them, but are usually accepting of goblinoids, trolls, and ogres.

Gray Orcs are found in their largest numbers throughout the eastern lands such as Rashamen, Damara, and the Moonsea. They are perhaps the least bestial of the two races, though still obviously non-human with their features of gray or blue skin, yellow to red eyes, and signature orcish tusks.

Gray Orcs are no less savage or brutal than their counterparts, but generally lack their cousins' drive to conquer and enslave, instead choosing to live as nomads. They are relatively strong-willed and introspective, having both the fury and the patience that comes from a life of following herds of game under the guidance of their priestesses. These are the true power behind their 30-50 member tribes as opposed to their short-lived chieftains.

They are more likely to wear clothing that other races might deem as "civilized" and prefer dark blues, browns, black, and similar earth tones. They have no particular hatred of any other race. That is to say, all are equally distrusted and loathed if they are not a member of the tribe or its immediate associates.
PropertiesRacial traits: Default Neverwinter Nights Half-Orc traits
Favored Class: Barbarian
Recognized Keywords: None, but player should contact a DM before the PC's 3rd level to obtain a racial token

This is all paraphrased from Races of Faerûn and what I remember from various R.A. Salvatore novels.

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