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Author:  vhunelar [ Wed, Jan 03 2018, 1:15 AM ]
Post subject:  Apologies

Hello folks

Had some harsh words for the staff and certain other players here in public a bit ago. I've decided that wasn't called for. I can be a bit savage when I get angry.

To be clear no one asked me to do this - I just think it's the decent thing to do under the circumstances. Staff has been quite reasonable about the whole thing.

Happy New Year!! [hopefully trump doesn't kill us before 2019]

Author:  Budly [ Wed, Jan 03 2018, 8:53 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Apologies

When I see a post like this, and see that no one has answered, I feel a bit sad. I been there myself and it makes me feel a bit stupid.

I think it's good when players can apologize for what they done. We are all people and we tend to not work well with everyone. I can be a very angry player myself so been there, done that :)

Happy New Year to you aswell.

Author:  Mrlala [ Wed, Jan 03 2018, 10:13 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Apologies

The underdark is a warmer place without you!! And we don't like it cuddly and huggly like the surface!

Happy new year and the best wishes

Best regards,

Author:  robbi320 [ Wed, Jan 03 2018, 15:14 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Apologies

Budly, to what you say... I sometimes feel the same way. Ironically, every time it's not me posting something like this, but someone else, I just think "ok, moving on". (This is from someone who doesn't have anything to do with the outburst) I mean, there's not too much you can post about it. There's pretty much two options, either hold a grudge, or forgive the person, and either way, most people wouldn't write anything as a response. At least I wouldn't.

That said, there's always the problem that unanswered posts can feel like being ignored, like everyone hates you now, and everyone's out to get you.

I still remember one person, a huge part of the community had bumps with his troll-y personality. And I sent him a PM, basically saying how I dislike him. That felt derpy. I mean, I basically told him I thought he was a trolling jerk. Turns out though, after talking to him a bit, he was actually a pretty nice player, even if we didn't always agree on everything.
A few other times, I bumped heads with some other people, and talked it out, either in PMs or through tells in game.

Personally, I feel like there's always a small problem: Either you go with a public post, which feels impersonal, and usually isn't answered, or you just apologise to one or two people in a PM, which... well, personally, outbursts tend to hit more people than you can send a PM to. Everyone who reads it tends to take something away from it. There's a few times I didn't like someone, just because they were a jerk to some other people on here. Maybe they apologised, but I didn't hear of it, so I still had my grudge...

And to vhunelar, I'm sorry to disrail this topic a bit, but it's a thing I struggle with occasionally, and apparently I'm not the only one, (based on what Budly said) so I kind of wanted to get this out.

Author:  Gravemaskin [ Wed, Jan 03 2018, 15:17 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Apologies

Happy new year!

Author:  vhunelar [ Wed, Jan 03 2018, 16:05 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Apologies

Yes it's hella easier to fight with one another than get along.

I wasn't doing my part to be flexible.

As for you robbi320; very true. And no harm, perfect time to talk about this stuff.

My advice...would be...don't do something you need to (should you wish to be a decent person) say sorry for in the first place.


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