Amia EE Updates (Coming August 11th!)
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Author:  TormakSaber [ Mon, Jul 27 2020, 0:45 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Amia EE update (please read)

It's not going to have much effect on anything.

Says a lot.

Author:  Jes [ Mon, Jul 27 2020, 0:58 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Amia EE update (please read)

Weird thing to get hung up on, dude. There's literally no need to make it out like it's going to turn everyone into terrible people and RP is going to go away. Let's focus more on the important aspects of EE, and not the ones that weren't important enough to even announce on the forums.

Liiiiike how we're looking into adding more subraces. So far we have Centaur on our list for post-launch, peoples! If you have any suggestions, hit us.

Author:  TormakSaber [ Mon, Jul 27 2020, 1:08 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Amia EE Updates (Coming August 11th!)

A change in the server's status towards adult RP should have been important enough to announce on the forums.

I said my piece, best of luck.

Author:  Cratz [ Mon, Jul 27 2020, 1:17 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Amia EE Updates (Coming August 11th!)

Centaurs make no sense as a subrace, imo.

Author:  Raua [ Mon, Jul 27 2020, 1:30 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Amia EE Updates (Coming August 11th!)

Thank you for your valuable feedback, Tormak.

Author:  Yimmi [ Mon, Jul 27 2020, 1:36 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Amia EE Updates (Coming August 11th!)

Thanks for the feedback, Tomark. It is noted.

Author:  Impknightofireland [ Mon, Jul 27 2020, 10:02 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Amia EE Updates (Coming August 11th!)

Faun/Satyr would be sweet to Rp.

Author:  freaxxshow1338 [ Mon, Jul 27 2020, 10:28 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Amia EE Updates (Coming August 11th!)

Don't necessarily like the change of stance on ERP either, but let's be real: People have been ERPing anyhow and they've just been doing it on Discord.

Also: Yeah Centaurs are... Weird. Wouldn't they realistically have 0 business inside houses? Also, CENTAUR CAVALRY

Author:  slkNihilus [ Mon, Jul 27 2020, 10:30 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Amia EE Updates (Coming August 11th!)

I'm also on the fence about centaurs. I mean they've not really been much of a presence on Amia until now, but suddenly there's an influx of them. Feels a bit jarring.

Author:  serbiris [ Mon, Jul 27 2020, 12:01 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Amia EE Updates (Coming August 11th!)

slkNihilus wrote:
I mean they've not really been much of a presence on Amia until now, but suddenly there's an influx of them. Feels a bit jarring.

Maybe start them off as request-only?

Centaurs are certainly an... interesting choice. The big problem is the setting of the server - it's all island/coastal. Sure, there are forests, but we don't have a native centaur population - so they come by on boats I guess, or hang out around Frozenfar? Alright... and since some events do take place on boats - you'd better hope you don't fall out, because you'll really need a high-str PC around to pull you back up (your average horse weighs anything from 380kg-1000kg, without equipment and a human torso instead of a head). And any areas that require scaling/climbing will need to be blocked to them. Indoors would be a struggle, but not an insurmountable one. Overall if people want to play them, why not? They're not the weirdest thing we have around.

If you introduce centaurs, you should definitely make Stingers playable - they have a presence on the server already, and with their little bug legs and lower-set frame they wouldn't have difficulty climbing.

But as for other subrace suggestions - and I'm restricting my suggestions to those that wouldn't necessarily be so rare as to require requests - I've always wanted to see Volodni, but they're extremely remote (like Rashemen remote) and they're fairly strongly tied to the forests of their homeland. A variant raised from Amia's forest might be cool though. Plant people!

Shadar-kai would be interesting, and fitting with the server's existing ties to the Shadow Plane (they've gone through a lot of changes between editions so I'd rather not link them and confuse people)

It could definitely be worthwhile expanding on human subraces more local to the region - Northmen/Illuskans, Tethyrians (who also account for the ethnicity of a good portion of Amnish), Mazticans even might be good. Hopefully these could be implemented without breaking anyone's existing characters (if anything, a bonus skill feat or something rather than ability score shifts). While it makes perfect sense to have most of the subraces we already do for travellers who have come to the region, it would be nice if people who wrote their backstories with closer ties to the region could be brought closer to the bar those wilder subraces have set.

Author:  slkNihilus [ Mon, Jul 27 2020, 13:09 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Amia EE Updates (Coming August 11th!)

Also, having read this tread and looked up the rules on the forums I was completely confused by Tormak's statements. I saw no changes to the rules. And then I was enlightened that this happened on Discord.

As a request (and mirroring Tormak's opinion): could rule changed please be announced on the forums, for the 2-3 dinosaurs (like me) who shy away from the Discord server?

Author:  maglorine [ Mon, Jul 27 2020, 14:23 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Amia EE Updates (Coming August 11th!)

I hadn't seen it either and was completely confused by this exchange. I'm on Discord but do not check it religiously. Would appreciate a forum update.

Author:  Jes [ Mon, Jul 27 2020, 14:50 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Amia EE Updates (Coming August 11th!)

The announcement was going to go on the new forums, not these old ones. Timing was a little off on the forum announcement, but that's because I was going to put all rule change announcements together.

Sorry for any confusion in that regard. It wasn't going to go completely unannounced. It just has no place on these forums, due to Disco's preference, and we didn't want people to mistake that the change is taking place prior to the move.

Author:  TormakSaber [ Mon, Jul 27 2020, 15:28 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Amia EE Updates (Coming August 11th!)

Raua wrote:
Thank you for your valuable feedback, Tormak.

Yimmi wrote:
Thanks for the feedback, Tomark. It is noted.

I don't think it was necessary to patronize me in public but you do you

Author:  serbiris [ Mon, Jul 27 2020, 16:43 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Amia EE Updates (Coming August 11th!)

Shoe, meet other foot, etc.

Author:  freaxxshow1338 [ Mon, Jul 27 2020, 16:49 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Amia EE update (please read)

TormakSaber wrote:
Says a lot.

TormakSaber wrote:
I don't think it was necessary to patronize me in public but you do you

Man, double standarts are cool.

Author:  Jes [ Mon, Jul 27 2020, 17:06 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Amia EE Updates (Coming August 11th!)

Let's get back on the civil train, folks. It's fine that people disagree with things, but let's not have bad feelings going either way here. We have players (and former players) who care a lot about the server and community, and that can get people riled up. But it's fine. We good.

And I should have had an announcement ready to go at the same time as I linked it in the Discord. I was just lazy. It's not something we want to actively encourage, either, so we initially were just gonna leave it till later. But that won't do! So here's an announcement post on the new forums with the couple other rule-related adjustments.

Author:  That Guy [ Mon, Jul 27 2020, 23:27 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Amia EE Updates (Coming August 11th!)

Just kinda poking my nose in now and then. Will probably make something fresh and new for EE. Bit confused though... new website and discord are necessary to keep up now? Can we just choose one or the other? Erp... was always here, but no need to put a spotlight on it. Jes has the right of it imho. Curious how things have changed. Interesting to see so many opinions by non-players. Even me.

Author:  Analog Kid [ Tue, Jul 28 2020, 0:32 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Amia EE Updates (Coming August 11th!)

TormakSaber wrote:

I said my piece, best of luck.


TormakSaber wrote:
Raua wrote:
Thank you for your valuable feedback, Tormak.

Yimmi wrote:
Thanks for the feedback, Tomark. It is noted.

I don't think it was necessary to patronize me in public but you do you

Got my hopes up..... then you spoiled it.....

freaxxshow1338 wrote:
TormakSaber wrote:
Says a lot.

TormakSaber wrote:
I don't think it was necessary to patronize me in public but you do you

Man, double standarts are cool.

But that set it right... hopefully.

If you're not playing here anymore....why comment? Why bother? Just leave it at 'Best of luck"....and focus your concerns on your concerns? Please?

Author:  Jes [ Tue, Jul 28 2020, 1:13 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Amia EE Updates (Coming August 11th!)

That Guy wrote:
new website and discord are necessary to keep up now? Can we just choose one or the other?

I've been trying to encourage people to move to the new forums, especially now that we're down to two weeks left, but I think a good number of people will only move over there when they can't post here anymore. xD

Author:  TormakSaber [ Tue, Jul 28 2020, 1:48 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Amia EE Updates (Coming August 11th!)

If you're not playing here anymore....why comment? Why bother? Just leave it at 'Best of luck"....and focus your concerns on your concerns? Please?

because i've been a part of the community since before the day the server existed. there is nothing wrong with voicing concerns and opinions here on the forums. (or in discord, but i don't use the discord.)

Author:  freaxxshow1338 [ Tue, Jul 28 2020, 3:56 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Amia EE Updates (Coming August 11th!)

TormakSaber wrote:
If you're not playing here anymore....why comment? Why bother? Just leave it at 'Best of luck"....and focus your concerns on your concerns? Please?

because i've been a part of the community since before the day the server existed. there is nothing wrong with voicing concerns and opinions here on the forums. (or in discord, but i don't use the discord.)

You came in here patronizing the DM team like you own the place my man. You weren't being constructive or voicing an opinion, you straight up waltzed in here and spat in the teams face. Not even nicely. And then you Complain about being patronized.

Says a lot.

Author:  TormakSaber [ Tue, Jul 28 2020, 4:37 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Amia EE Updates (Coming August 11th!)

sayin you're disappointed in a rule change that you believe and worry is going to negatively affect public perception of the server isn't spitting in the dm team's face my dude. no, i don't think i own the place. no, it wasn't super nice, but that's because i had almost 10 years of first hand dm experience backing up that belief, and i felt very strongly when i made the post. i can still be disappointed and voice that opinion, just like you could too.

this is all rude at this point. maybe i could have worded it better, but the point still stands. jes asked people to stop. not sure why you're still going in on me, but yeah i'm going to reply and defend myself too. you're right, my post does say a lot, but i think you've got the wrong takeaway.

ps: centaur seems a weird add for general consumption, especially since there's no past history of their existence in the general area - it's like a big migration thing? idk.

Author:  Cratz [ Tue, Jul 28 2020, 4:49 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Amia EE Updates (Coming August 11th!)

I am curious as to why they picked Centaur over ... everything else, really.

Author:  lilmarcat [ Tue, Jul 28 2020, 5:10 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Amia EE Updates (Coming August 11th!)

Likely (Im just guessing) due to the fact that centaur models already exist and could easily be added to the HAKs. I cant remember if it was already stated here but if added they'll likely be a request only race and rare.

Author:  walnutboy [ Tue, Jul 28 2020, 8:04 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Amia EE Updates (Coming August 11th!)

Centaur just seems out of place given, as already stated, they don't appear or get mentioned locally. I think I've had more conversations about Unicorns icly than Centaurs.

Author:  Impknightofireland [ Tue, Jul 28 2020, 8:06 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Amia EE Updates (Coming August 11th!)


Author:  walnutboy [ Tue, Jul 28 2020, 9:57 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Amia EE Updates (Coming August 11th!)

Impknightofireland wrote:

Didn't we have a few of those?

Author:  Jes [ Tue, Jul 28 2020, 10:32 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Amia EE Updates (Coming August 11th!)

Kenku do already exist, yes! But not as a subrace. :wink: That's a good suggestion.

And centaurs would be a platinum race. It was actually a popular suggestion (though apparently not by anyone who's posting here, haha). We are genuinely interested in other suggestions, though. I wouldn't mind a proper subrace option (that isn't OP) for our most requested special characters, such as avariel, half dragon, etc. And with the template system we'll be using for platinum races and "universal" races, we don't have to update the hak every time.

Author:  robbi320 [ Tue, Jul 28 2020, 11:38 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Amia EE Updates (Coming August 11th!)

I'll be honest, I have barely checked out the new forums, mostly because... well... I'm not currently in the mood for Amia. BUT: Considering it was sort of mentioned, I've noticed that the discord has been used a few times for stuff, without it being announced/mentioned on the forums. I think it'd generally be good to try to keep that in mind for the future, since not everyone uses dicord or is always 100% up to date with it.

As for subraces... maybe this is a weird suggestion, but how about having the new subraces start out as requests, and then consider relaxing the standards after... I dunno. Half a year? Just so there isn't suddenly a huge influx of one race that has no historic presence.

As for adult RP, considering the game is some sort of PG just about everywhere but Australia, I'd strongly suggest simply axing the third offense, and implementing the fourth offense punishments for it instead. Yes, mistakes happen. That's what the first offense is for. Another mistake? Okay, we're learning the hard way. But if someone genuinely is dumb enough, after already being banned for it once, even if only for a week... Well. They're either doing it deliberately, or are really careless. And both, in my opinion, warrant more than two weeks. Especially since accidental mischannels already have a more loose application of the rules to them. And, as the rules say: "Don't participate in Tell-based graphic RP unless you're able to consistently keep it in the right channel."

Author:  Galenson [ Tue, Jul 28 2020, 11:55 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Amia EE Updates (Coming August 11th!)

A human subrace suggestion would be Deep Imaskari.

[Edit]I wouldn't be fussed if they were a request only race: They're a forgotten realms underdark though, and less exotic then centaurs, kenku, tabaxi and all those other furry animal fetishes people seem to want to play.

I'm surprised they never made the original cut when every other underdark race did.

Author:  Galenson [ Tue, Jul 28 2020, 12:33 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Amia EE Updates (Coming August 11th!)

Another suggestion, dare I suggest it, would be Dragonborn.

Before anyone gets their 3.5 edition hackles up, yes I am aware that Amia is 3.5 edition and Dragonborn were not introduced into the forgotten realms or mainstream d&d until 4th edition. Yes I am aware that Dragonborn originated from Abeir and not Toril. Yes I am aware that the spellplague was the catalyst that brought Dragonborn to Toril and yes I am aware that the spellplague did not happen in Amia's homebrew alternate timeline.

With that said, Amia has always had a strong leaning towards Dragons. Moreso when Jes got in management. Modern and new d&d players are also used to Dragonborn, with them having been around as a universal race for 12 years. They are no longer the elephant in the room, so to speak, and are universally accepted as much as Dwarfs, Elves and Humans by D&D players. Those players will likely ask the question: why does NWN (and in turn Amia) not have Dragonborn? Someone in the community has likely designed them for NWN.

Considering that Amia is now in the year 1386 and changed some significant events in the canon 3rd ed timeline (the Silence of Lolth and the Spellplague to name but a few etc), the server is, in its own way, now dawning upon its homebrew, alternate timeline of 4th edition with the move to Amia:EE. What's to say that the Dragonborn didn't find some other way to arrive in Toril? Even if it was just as plane-hopping individuals rather then as misplaced civilisations?

Author:  6_Shot [ Tue, Jul 28 2020, 12:43 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Amia EE Updates (Coming August 11th!)

I don’t have any presence on Amia but I still frequent the forums all the time and can’t wait for EE, I’ll definitely be playing then. But are there any insectoid type playable sub races worth adding?

Author:  The1Kobra [ Tue, Jul 28 2020, 12:44 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Amia EE Updates (Coming August 11th!)

I've expressed my thoughts on the Discord, but I suppose I might as well do so here. I'm not terribly fond of the change as it is. Ultimately, I realize it is in the end a rather minor change in the grand scheme of things, and I would rather not make a mile out of a molehill. That said, I do think it sends the wrong message.

I realize that creeps will be creeps regardless, but in my experience with that sort from my own DM experiences, give them an inch and they'll take a mile. A hard line should help discourage such things, while even a slight amount of wiggle room and you'll probably see people trying to rules-lawyer their way into all kind of nasty behavior. I realize that they can just take it to discord, and that it's hard to enforce anyways, and I'd rather not give any encouragement to the lowest common denominator. Still, a rule being difficult to enforce doesn't mean it shouldn't exist. I'm mostly wondering what benefits the rule change brings myself.

For subraces, I think we're fine with our current set as is. I've never really liked human specific region subraces myself, humans are flexible and versatile anyways and should be able to be from those regions without a specific subrace. We also already have a rather wide subrace selection, with more exotic ones already being locked behind requests.

Author:  The1Kobra [ Tue, Jul 28 2020, 12:47 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Amia EE Updates (Coming August 11th!)

6_Shot wrote:
I don’t have any presence on Amia but I still frequent the forums all the time and can’t wait for EE, I’ll definitely be playing then. But are there any insectoid type playable sub races worth adding?

There's none currently. I think the main issue is there's no good humanoid insectoid model that's suitable for a PC race. There's Thri-Kreen but those are specifically a Dark Sun thing, and I don't think NWN has a model for them anyways.

Author:  Galenson [ Tue, Jul 28 2020, 13:04 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Amia EE Updates (Coming August 11th!)

I mostly agree with Kobra.

Despite my suggestions above for subraces, I'd rather see the development time being spent doing other things. Blackguard and assassin spellbooks for example now that its possible with the last major patch. Finding a way to fix specialised wizards. Enhancing the current subrace options with additional learnable racial abilities like what they've done with the Drow. Etc. [Edit] Implementing the Fey, fiendish, dragon and aberation heritage feats from their respective source books etc.

Author:  freaxxshow1338 [ Tue, Jul 28 2020, 13:40 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Amia EE Updates (Coming August 11th!)

The1Kobra wrote:
I've expressed my thoughts on the Discord, but I suppose I might as well do so here. I'm not terribly fond of the change as it is. Ultimately, I realize it is in the end a rather minor change in the grand scheme of things, and I would rather not make a mile out of a molehill. That said, I do think it sends the wrong message.

I realize that creeps will be creeps regardless, but in my experience with that sort from my own DM experiences, give them an inch and they'll take a mile. A hard line should help discourage such things, while even a slight amount of wiggle room and you'll probably see people trying to rules-lawyer their way into all kind of nasty behavior. I realize that they can just take it to discord, and that it's hard to enforce anyways, and I'd rather not give any encouragement to the lowest common denominator. Still, a rule being difficult to enforce doesn't mean it shouldn't exist. I'm mostly wondering what benefits the rule change brings myself.

For subraces, I think we're fine with our current set as is. I've never really liked human specific region subraces myself, humans are flexible and versatile anyways and should be able to be from those regions without a specific subrace. We also already have a rather wide subrace selection, with more exotic ones already being locked behind requests.

I'm also worried about people just logging in to fish for ERP and only playing fetish fuel. If that gets too bad, we can simply reverse the rulechange though I guess. It's not like we'd miss those people for any interesting Roleplay.

Author:  serbiris [ Tue, Jul 28 2020, 14:08 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Amia EE Updates (Coming August 11th!)

Deep Imaskari would be a problematic choice due to the Great Seal, which in Amia's continuity is still a thing AFAIK. (Edit: Oh my bad, it's listed in one of the history threads. Derp. They're still just Shadovar except from a slightly different ancient advanced civilisation and with less shadow-specific weirdness though so I'm not surprised no one bothered to pick them up. But I guess if people want to request them...)

Dragonborn were in fact first introduced during 3.5's tenure, Races of the Dragon (2006). While they aren't specifically FR, I'm given to understand that provisions were made to include them in that setting and we have in fact had Dragonborn PCs on Amia before.

Thri-keen have in fact been introduced to FR at least as early as 2004 with some mention in Shining South (to what extent I can't confirm) and we do have models in the module (they're not great, though). We should still totally include Stingers (in honour of Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson's bumpy movie career start).

Spell lists for Assassin and possibly BG are apparently already being looked at, so I wouldn't be terribly worried about dev focus.

And I think the argument of "humans don't need subraces" would be a great one if we didn't already have human ethnic subraces, but since we do, we may as well go the whole hog and introduce local ones. One good thing about the human subraces is that they tend to encourage a bit of research into the setting (although not always, harr harr), and I don't find that they get in the way.

Author:  Jes [ Tue, Jul 28 2020, 15:09 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Amia EE Updates (Coming August 11th!)

serbiris wrote:
Dragonborn were in fact first introduced during 3.5's tenure, Races of the Dragon (2006). While they aren't specifically FR, I'm given to understand that provisions were made to include them in that setting and we have in fact had Dragonborn PCs on Amia before.

Dragonborn as described in Races of the Dragon are indeed canon on Amia and have been done before. Which means it's mostly a Bahamut-oriented thing, so it's probably partly why it hasn't been so popular as a player choice.

Author:  Cratz [ Tue, Jul 28 2020, 15:21 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Amia EE Updates (Coming August 11th!)

In all fairness, we're already making it so that you don't have to be an elf to be an AA with the new PRC. What 's the difference between that and not having to be a Bahamutian to be a dragonborn?

Author:  The1Kobra [ Tue, Jul 28 2020, 17:10 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Amia EE Updates (Coming August 11th!)

serbiris wrote:
And I think the argument of "humans don't need subraces" would be a great one if we didn't already have human ethnic subraces, but since we do, we may as well go the whole hog and introduce local ones. One good thing about the human subraces is that they tend to encourage a bit of research into the setting (although not always, harr harr), and I don't find that they get in the way.

Unfortunately, what I've usually seen is that the subraces are typically taken for mechanical benefits without or with the barest token minimum consideration to the RP or background of the subraces. Chultan I've found is the most abused in this regard, I've seen about four in my whole DM tenure that actually treated the racial background with any degree of respect. I've seen it done with the other human subraces too.

I'm pretty sure that if we add more human subraces, especially any that are mechanically powerful (with more than a +1/-1 stat shift), we'd probably just see more of this.

Author:  serbiris [ Tue, Jul 28 2020, 17:46 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Amia EE Updates (Coming August 11th!)

Well, that's why I suggested not including such wild ability shifts. I mean I don't particularly like them as is (for reasons aside from a lack of faith in the playerbase) but there's no getting that genie (or genasi) back into the bottle.

My experience has found such exploitation far less egregious in the last year or so, anyway.

Author:  Dark Immolation [ Tue, Jul 28 2020, 18:17 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Amia EE Updates (Coming August 11th!)

The1Kobra wrote:
There's none currently. I think the main issue is there's no good humanoid insectoid model that's suitable for a PC race. There's Thri-Kreen but those are specifically a Dark Sun thing, and I don't think NWN has a model for them anyways.

We actually do have a Thri-Kreen model IIRC, but it's kind of basic looking for my tastes. The Osyluth bone demon model looks kinda of insect-y and there's another weird creature that's similar, but I can't recall the name and don't have the toolset in front of me now. But an important thing here is to parse what you want visually from what you want mechanically. Do you want something that has the mechanical makeup of an insectoid or that merely looks, erm, buggy? Because if it's the latter, you can slap Feytouched onto something and play up a bunch of Grig and Pixie aspects and get pretty close.

To speak briefly on the ERP thing, one critique I've heard from places that do allow it vs our own server is the mistaken idea that all ERPers only engage in ERP, rather than just being RPers who are okay with different scenarios. In that respect, I can understand allowing it despite it not being my cup of tea. From a media perspective, I also get how backwards it can seem to abhor mundane, consensual adult acts but treat malicious, life-ending violence as commonplace and acceptable. Anyway, there's this concept in tabletop gaming communities called "curtains and veils." And it's basically how we handle torture RP now; if something is happening IC that a player is uncomfortable with, they can say "hey, you mind speeding this up and going into less detail, this isn't my thing"(veil) or "I do not want to engage in this, let's stop right now or jump to whenever this business is finished"(curtain). Some people are cool with acting out situations that others are not. That's fine. What matters is that everyone involved is okay with it. As RPers, we are making a story together. If you find yourself trying to force others into the story you want to tell, even if its making other players uncomfortable, you're an asshole and probably deserve to go. So stricter rules on this stuff is definitely fine by me.

I'd like to think that 20 years into its run NWN has a more mature populace than back when it started, but I've been proven wrong before. If creeps show up, we can always backtrack.

Back to the subraces. I really don't want to outright poo poo dev decisions when I'm not the one putting in the hours. Though, if I had my rathers, I'd want to see us work up from the more common and locally established races first, if we add more. Troglodyte, Lizardfolk, Yaun-Ti, even Gith. Being honest, I don't think we're at a horrible place now with what we offer. I think we are on a good path with focusing more on custom classes and feats. A player only really interacts with the subrace system once or twice in the life of a PC, but having classes and doodads for them after they are made is a gift that keeps on giving.

Author:  Lord-Jyssev [ Wed, Jul 29 2020, 16:04 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Amia EE Updates (Coming August 11th!)

serbiris wrote:
And I think the argument of "humans don't need subraces" would be a great one if we didn't already have human ethnic subraces, but since we do, we may as well go the whole hog and introduce local ones. One good thing about the human subraces is that they tend to encourage a bit of research into the setting (although not always, harr harr), and I don't find that they get in the way.

I would love to see human subraces for places that are actually on the server. Who cares if you're from Halruua? I want to play a Rauthymni Human or an Amian Human or a Forrstakkr Human. Let's elevate and celebrate our own campaign setting! In fact, if we really want to shift things I'd advocate grandfathering (or lessening) the old ones and just moving forward with server-specific humans.

Author:  Cratz [ Wed, Jul 29 2020, 16:08 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Amia EE Updates (Coming August 11th!)

Now that's an idea I can get behind.

Author:  Jes [ Wed, Jul 29 2020, 17:58 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Amia EE Updates (Coming August 11th!)

That's a pretty great idea.

Edit: Ahem. I meant the addition of local regional ones sounds like a great idea. Not the grandfathering/lessening of existing ones.

Author:  Dark Immolation [ Wed, Jul 29 2020, 18:21 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Amia EE Updates (Coming August 11th!)

It's an interesting idea, definitely. There would be some things to keep in mind, however.

1) With Amia proper, its history of most humanoids is so recent, it doesn't really make sense that there would be a specific phenotype for them. Most people, like adventurers, came from surrounding lands. If our old lore still holds, humans didn't even arrive in Amia until ~1000 DR. Before then, it was basically all Mylocks(Mynocks?), with the elves showing up some time before the humans to punt their survivors around for a few centuries. 300 years, about 10 generations, is definitely long enough to form a culture, but I'd doubt its formed its own race. And if it did have one, it would probably look like a mutt of so many backgrounds that it would be hard to capture as anything but the blank but potential-filled canvas of default Human.

2) Forstakkr would be Northlander/Northmen, same stock as the Ruathymi and I think they're supposed to be related to the Rashemi too, somehow. So a Nord Northlander subrace could make sense. But Northmen are also basically Illuskans according to Races of Faerun, and also include the Uthgardt. This is all to say, depending on how specific we want to be, the subrace of Fortstakkr and Ruathym folk could be called a couple of things.

3) Tethyrian is another human ethnic group that's basically knocking on Amia's door as they're found all over the Sword Coast. But they're described a couple of times as basically being a melting pot. Default human is pretty spot on for them, too. You got the Lantanna from Lantan, but I can't find much on them. And I generally just think of them being bigger versions of the crazy gnomes that live there. Amn also makes sense, but I think they're just Calishites and Tethyrians by another name.

So there's a lot of possibilities. I think the reason we focused on so many human groups from further off is because they gain a lot more unique traits the further off you go. Introducing more can work, but there's also the option of trying to play up more of the cultures that would be present already and see where that leads our tastes. I think the barbarian lodge and parts of Forstakkr are a great example of telling that narrative visually.

Edit: So, this map is technically a 5E map, but it's updated from 3E. I think most of the nations should be in the same general areas, but the borders might be different and there are a few places that shouldn't exist for us. Najaraa and Elturgard don't exist in 3E, I'm pretty sure. This might help us brainstorm or at least generate some interest in cultures and ethnicities that could be present. Credit to Johnovick of Reddit.

Author:  Elorathall [ Thu, Jul 30 2020, 13:09 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Amia EE Updates (Coming August 11th!)

Considering all the weirdness and constant catastrophes happening, I imagine Amians are shaping into a pretty tough people. Might have bonuses to Will and Constitution, for example. Human subraces aren't meant to reflect outrage mutation, but more like cultural distinction, IMO.

Author:  Jes [ Thu, Jul 30 2020, 14:04 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Amia EE Updates (Coming August 11th!)

Amian subrace gets Favored Enemy: Dragon.

Author:  freaxxshow1338 [ Thu, Jul 30 2020, 16:18 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Amia EE Updates (Coming August 11th!)

Amian should also get a slight boost to Lore - because of all the Adventurers meeting on Amia and spreading stories from their homelands - and maybe a malus to Wis for being a bit desensitized from all the chaos happening around them?

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