[OOC] Researcher's guide to Tarkuul
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Author:  Dead [ Sat, Dec 19 2015, 19:17 PM ]
Post subject:  [OOC] Researcher's guide to Tarkuul

:!: IntroductionIt came to my attention that a lot of players do not know how to Tarkuul. This thread will give you a
general overview of what can you expect from Tarkuul, what is the best way to approach it, and
generally how to get the maximum out of your character in the City of Knowledge.

:!: So what can you expect?You can expect that Tarkuul is a location with history. Ancient history. Tarkuul is a 2000+ years old city,
and predates the Fall of Netheil and Karsus' Folly. Those well versed in the FR Lore, especially the Netheril
era will understand that this means Tarkuul is one of the last places in existence which preserved the
culture of the Netherese Empire, one of the most powerful and famous empires in history. All that history
exists, whether it is already written by the DM of Tarkuul, or whether it is about to be written the
moment you start working on it. So to put it in simple terms, you can expect a lot of reading. Tarkuul
is about research, and research is always written.

:!: How do you get your character researching then?Why is that thing sparkling? Is it just to look pretty or there is a story behind it? Why is there a name
on this sacrophagus? Why was this person important? Those are ALL hooks for you to Roleplay with.
Everything you see in Tarkuul has a purpose of being there and almost nothing is pure cosmetics. If
you see a bloody stain on the wall, it is not there to make the place more evil, it is there because
something POTENTIALLY IMPORTANT happened
. Someone got killed? Injured? Who? Why? How?
When? Find it out. At the moment, there are around 40 plot hooks 'hidden' in plain view. If you wish to
conduct a research, literally find an object that looks interesting, and start working on it. Prod it with
a stick. Cast Legend Lore. Cast Detect Magic. Go to the library and try to find some notions of it. Ask
a PC or an NPC. Contact a DM. Try to find it in a sourcebook. The possibilities are virtually endless.

:!: What will you get from all this?Knowledge is a reward of its own - they say. Yet as much as it is true, you will get far more if you
invest your Tarkuul time into research. The rewards are many and great. Your character might
advance through the ranks, which brings him status and influence. Or perhaps you will be able to
recover a relic of ancient history, an actual unique item that will otherwise be unavailable to you -
save for the DC request. Maybe it will be a forgotten spell, that cannot be found nowhere else in
existence? But best of all, you will get a thing to play with, a thing to enjoy, and a thing that will
enrich your character beyond imagination. I could say that sky's the limit in Tarkuul, but that would
not be true. There is no limit.

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