[To the representatives of Ne'sek]
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Author:  alamut [ Fri, Jan 11 2013, 19:27 PM ]
Post subject:  [To the representatives of Ne'sek]

*A letter is left at the temples and buildings of the representatives of the current guilds there*

Gentlemen of the good cause

It's time Ne'sek to face new improvements. We must to cut of the profit of evil doers, blocking their gold to flow over our economy. We must to instruct the guards and defenders to prevent people from hiding their faces with mask, helmets or hoods while in there, also putting their weapons away to prevent them to intimidate the local merchants.

I suggest a small gate to be constructed around the crystal node, and also the two portals available there, guarded by defenders.

I'm available to her your thoughts and inputs. If a proper meeting is necessary to talk about it, I'm yours to listen as well.

Mikal Blacksword.

Author:  Glim [ Mon, Jan 14 2013, 17:08 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: [To the representatives of Ne'sek]

Three letters return, each bearing a different seal and a different message.



We of the Chapel of Hoar applaud your initiative in working to secure this settlement from those who would spit in the face of law. We stand ready to assist you in your efforts to ratify new laws and to bolster Nes’ek’s defensive capabilities, particularly against the insidious followers of the Snake.

Brother Illian Janali,
Senior Priest of Assuran


Mikal Blacksword,

With respect to you and your order, we are neither powerful priest nor holy warrior. We do our best to weed out any undesirable customers, but we can do little more than go on our instincts in identifying such unsavory characters.

We are also concerned about your proposal to gate off the portal to Fort Wiltun and Guldorand. While the tragedy that befell Guldorand has severely slowed any trade from that region, that mountain town was once our chief source of lumber, given the lack of coniferous trees on the Khem island. It is our earnest hope that once the people of Guldorand are back on their feet that this trade will resume and we worry that too-stringent security measures may dampen this possibility.

Likewise many of the merchants and citizens of Nes’ek are, as you may or may not know, settlers from the Ruathym region and we are concerned that gating off the portal to Fort Wiltun would cause undue difficulty for those wishing to move goods or even visit their families in that area.

Until you have come up with a more thorough proposal, we cannot support these changes that you have put forth.

Arden Trask
Representative of the Nes’ek Mercantile Society

P.S. It should be noted that we of the Mercantile Society have long believed that many of the Mulharondi of Djedet and the merchants who operate in the lands south of us may well be of a less savory nature, and that many of the problems we face in Nes’ek may be attributed to them. Perhaps you could start your search there.


Knight Blacksword,

We thank you for your Order’s continued interest in the wellbeing of our settlement; we of the Church of Lathanander also seek to rid our home of the questionable or outright malign traffic which tends to frequent the area.

Our efforts since the appearance of Anubis’ forces on this island have been to bolster the town’s defenses from outside aggressors, and we feel that is where our focus must remain until the threat of war has passed. However if you require any aid in working with the citizens of Nes’ek, we would be happy to give it.

I would however suggest that you review the law signs that have been placed at both physical entrances to our town; they do indeed include laws to remove face coverings and sheath weapons. The problem rests not in the laws themselves it would seem, but in our ability to enforce them. Nes’ek is a small settlement and what militia we have are primarily mercenaries which have been hired by the Mercantile Society, as well as what few of our own temple’s warriors that we can spare.

Please keep us informed of the progress you make, and we will render what aid we can.

May His light illuminate the path,
High Priestess Sin'eela

Author:  alamut [ Mon, Jan 14 2013, 18:59 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: [To the representatives of Ne'sek]

*Mikal reads each letter and allows himself a smile. However he wonders about the Mercantile Society, expressing a great concern doing the fact they've provided the defenders in there.*

It has to be changed... slowly. *He says to himself*

And I know someone with a big and good heart and also... deep pockets *Smiles*. My good friend Jerand, I need your assistance to make some implements in Ne'sek. May this Mercantile Society knows that sacred hands will provided the walls they're in. And that it could be their prison if they attempt to damp His dogma... anyone. *Mikal clenches his right fist*.

We need to regain the Order or everything else will be lost.

*Mikal would reply briefly reach letter with a tanks for the prompt reply and support, along with a promise to contact them for further implements and proposals.*

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